A little change make a different look @Eyeliner


I had created this blog for long time ago but I didn't post anything here becoz I'm lazy to figure out how to blog, muahahaha...and now this is my first post and the topic is about Make Up.p.s jz sharing what I know and what I do..

Actually I consider for a long time to make video on YouTube channel but I lack of courage to do that..so mayb I try to take photos and write post on blogger can help me find a better to start... pls forgive my poor eng... becoz I force myself to use eng instead of chinese, a good way to improve my eng level...hehehe...
almost everyday I'll on YouTube to find some videos about makeup, bakery, fashion, nail art... and it help me learn something new everyday...when I'm in bad mood I also on YouTube, hahaha...YouTube fever...here few of my favorite you-tuber..HanaTam, Michelle Phan, Queenie Chan and Bren Lui..
How about u?do you have same favorite you-tuber same as me??
Today I'm here talk about "eye liner" 

in this pic I'm using Maybelline hybersharp liner..

a little change can make a huge different...all you need is a liquid eyeliner and u just draw out your eyeliner as usual way and draw another line from your double eyelid to end of the lower line, jz like add a little triangle at the back as the pic show...

and here my finished look...and I love to draw this eyeliner when dating with my dear..hehe....

if there have any eng mistake or grammar mistake plz comment below me...I'm very appreciate to correct it...thank you very much...muackz muackzz~ 

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