2016 Resolutions


Can't believe it's almost end of 2015, it's time to say good bye to 2015 and say Hi to 2016. Honestly, I have wasted my 2014 to done something that I'm very regret and spent a year to recover my life. This is the worst decision that I have made and it make me realize that life is going on no matter how you still missing the time you spent with it has become memories. I admit I was a fool and spent a lot of time to think about the sadness and suffered from the depressed. Fortunately, Mr. Pang always the one who stay with me and help me to get through all of these shits.

"People come and go in your life, the right one will stay."  I'm the main character of my story and will be the one to survive to the last. When I face difficulty or depression, this is how I remind myself to get stronger and fight for everything.

Lastly, spread love to the people who surrounded me and everywhere I go.

This is my 2016 resolution:

1. Travel to a western country! Planning to Sydney or Iceland in 2017 but hope will travel on November or December of 2016.

2. To earn and save more money as compare in 2015. I know my salary have a limit but hope to earn some extra income from a part time job.

3. Learn how to bake! Love to cook but less to bake. This year may focus on bake, learn the basic to bake some cookies or cakes. Sure will have a lot of fun!

4. Currently Mr Pang is my driver but sometime we may have different schedule so I have decide to own a vehicle but still in consideration due to limited parking of my house.

5. Finish my BBG 1.0 !!!!! I have bought the e-book few months ago and started for the first week and stop it after went to Taiwan.  LAZYYYY! Fine ! I know I'm lazy people and I swear will finish the workout within the 12 weeks!!!PROMISEDDD!!

6. Eat clean and eat before 7pm. Not only a nice body shape also a healthy life.

7. To blog more! The way to improve my language and a place that can find peaceful. It may like talking to myself (I knw my readers can count on one hand) but at least I can express my feeling and record my life. Jz like a diary!

8. Read more books or e-books. Actually, I not really like to holds a book to read I like watching drama or movie instead of reading. I always prefer English channel to force myself to learn and listen the slang how they pronoun and the way they speak.

9. Hiking! To see the awesome screen of sunset.

10. Make up video on Youtube! Hahaha, this is the hardest thing to do, but is a good try. Will try.

Happy New Year for all my readers~let's make 2016 even better!!

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