My Morning routine~Skincare part~

12:25's Saturday again V^^...and I got the time to update my's blog is about my morning routine-skincare part, and get it started..
Today I woke up at early for the WEEKEND...should be 1pm in order to compensate myself because I have started my Uni life again..ya, again..but this time is different Uni because I transfer to UTAR (KAMPAR CAMPUS) since there have some financial problem with my previous's mean that my uni's life have started and I have to woke up early for the morning class?? at 6.30AM, WHAT!!?? 7am is seen a normal time for all the working people..don't scold me..I jz fall in love with my bed~ZZzzz
okay..let get into the are my skincare products..

 1. Neutrogena deep clean ultra foam cleanser
2. Avene Thermal Spring Water
 3. Biotherm Aquasource Lotion hyra-perfection(Toner)
 4. ESTEE LAUDER Micro Essence
5. Tea Three oil (for the pop up acne pimples)
6.JEAN D'ARCEL SPF15 Dermal Whitening Cream
7. Vaseline Pure Petroleum Jelly

 First step, I clean my face by using Neutrogena deep clean ultra foam cleanse, jz need to press 2-3 times and will get a lot of foam like the pic shows...and gently wash my face around 20-30 seconds, because I'm a very sensitive skin and I usually didn't massage my face too long time...and rinse it off ..

Second step, I use the Avene Thermal Spring Water spray on my face in order to softening my skin and get hydrating..

After the spring water get into my skin and use a cotton pad to get some toner...and very slightly to cycle the face...

step 4, drops few drop ESTEE LAUDER Micro Essence into palm, like a 20sen coin.. put on my face and use the fingers lightly tabbing on my face...jz let the fingers dancing freely on the face until the essence all absorb by the skin.
The most important thing is don't forget the neck part...also need to apply the products...if not, in long-term when we get old thn will see a huge different btw ur face and the neck...

If there any pop up acne , I'll use a Q-tip to get a few drops of Tea Three oil apply on the acne/ help me faster dry up the acne...

Last step, apply the sunblock (JEAN D'ARCEL SPF15 Dermal Whitening Cream) thn I'm finish with my morning skincare routine..

Oooppss..don't forget to apply some Vaseline to moisturizer my lip..muackzz muackzz...
here's my bare face...

***plz look out my blog..will post another blog about the Get Ready With Me- Make up part and nail design tutorial...see u guys later...and hope u all like my post...plz comment below if u like it and follow my FB and IG... =) =)
Thanks for reading....

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