Ben's Burger @Ipoh Malaysia


Ben's Burger @Ipoh Malaysia

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First time blog about food. This time we went to a new open restaurant in IPOH Ben Burger. Long time didn't try the new restaurant in IPOH, and there opened a lots of restaurant and coffee shops in IPOH, such as M Boutique, Coffee at 91, Roquette Cafe, Something's Brewing and many many...all of these I haven't go before.. =(
OK.stop complaining...and let get started today's topic. as we knw the Ipoh Parade nw is under renovating and there hav a lots of new shop open in it..such as Coffee Bean, Pizza PapaJohn, B &L,Baskin Robbin and so on..since all these shop are familiar to us but last time all these are nt available in Ipoh Parade...this mean that Ipoh Parade is getting upgrade as compare to last time.

 Ya, my bf and I went to one of the new open shop of Ipoh Parade which is Ben Burger..the shop jz beside the Coffee Bean, the main entrance of Ipoh Parade..
I love it environment and the outlook of the shop but the space is too small..the table for two people actually nt enough space for us..after the burger came there is no space for me to put on my camera (DSLR)..=='
the design got the feel like having my lunch at foreign country but the weather here is totally different.

this is the table look like~

and how the menu look like...all are about burgers..and there's few choices of beverage and food...mayb still new or what..the price is a little bit expensive as compare to Mc Donald's...there is no beverage come with set and u hav to add on ur beverage and there is rm 4.90 for add on a small size of coke...u can see from the pic...if u doesn't like to eat beef then the shop may nt suitable for u..because majority of the menu are all about beef burger..
even the bacon also come together with beef...

so we ordered two burgers, one is fish burger and one is bacon, but the bacon one came along with beef...
The coke came first....
and after the burger...yumyum..
for me, I will suggest that this shop is open as a coffee shop or dessert shop...because the space is too narrow to put the large size burger and the environment is more suitable to hav a cup of coffee and girls talk...jz for my opinion..if u guys love to eat burger u can hav a try of it..
nvr try nvr least u can enjoy the environment firts...

the weather was too hot, so no one sit at outside..
last but no least, here my ootd of that I looks too short?
I always wish that one day I can growth 10 cm more
will it possible??haiz...jz kidding...hahaha..
hope u all like my post and follow my FB & IG
Thanks for reading =)

Ben's Burger TGS
Ipoh Parade Main Entrance
Tel: 1-700-81-7773
Business Hour: 10am- 10pm

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