Korean Straight eyebrow~


Straight eyebrows are popular trend for now and all the Asian girls are following it including me.

This post is about how to use the old liquid eyeliner pen to outline the shape and fill up with eyebrow pencil.(jz share my regular steps how to create the eyebrow shape.)
what we need are, an old liquid eyeliner pen (almost dry), cotton buds and a eyebrow pencil..it's a very easy to create your own eyebrow shape. This tutorial may help you to save some costs by using old liquid liner pen. 

I choose Maybeline hypersharp liquid eyeliner pen,my favorite liquid eyeliner pen,I ady finished 4 of it....when I finished it, mean the liquid's colour become very light and I NOT wiling throw it so I try to reuse it to outline my eyebrow shape.it works more than using a eyebrow pencil..it bcuz most of the liquid eyeliner got a sharp bush like a pencil so we can handle it easily.
First step: use the old liquid eyeliner pencil to outline a straight line on your eyebrow.

second step: Use the eyebrow pencil to fill up the eyebrows,and use a cotton buds to clear up any excess part and brush it by using eyebrow brush to balance the colour to make it more natural.

and here's the finished look and now you can play with your eyebrow to make some funny posses and selfie time~hehe~
Tadaa~here's the whole make up look~
I hope you all enjoy this tutorial.=)

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