Trip to Guang Zhou


It's my first time trip to oversea...and the night before fly I was very exciting, seem like a normal situation happen on's my first time take flight sure will be so exciting .. it's a night flight to Guang Zhou at 8.30 p.m....
This is the plane to Guang Zhou (AirAsia)

I didn't have my dinner thn on I order a nasi lemak and a mineral water as my dinner..the price for nasi lemak is rm12 and the bottle mineral water is rm3..
the taste is normal for me, actually I nt really like it but no choice have to fill my stomach...
I had arrived in Guang Zhou about 12am sumting and I didn't take any pic of the Guang Zhou airport because rush to check in hotel and my uncle and his friend were waiting me at there for half and hour...and his friend fetch us direct to hotel...we arrive hotel about 3am...all I want to do is SLEEP....bcoz I didn't sleep well  in seat is at emergency exit so I can't put down my back seat..I had been sit very straight and proper for 4 hours...pity..
DAY 1-                                                                                                                                            

these are the 3 person breakfast,we share the food... for me the food are too oily...I really didn't like it so I jz eat some only and the size is too big lah, I order a noodle for single person and here the size..OMG...hw can I finish it???

the first day in GuangZhou we didn't go any place bcoz my uncle and my brother have a meeting tat day so I jz walk around the places near by the hotel with my uncle friends..they are very funny guys...

I didn't like the food but I love the weather much better thn M'sia...fresh and cool..

DAY 2-
ya!it's shopping day...finally my uncle got time brings us to shopping...the first shopping mall tat we're going to is 正佳广场
the guys in front the mall is my tour members...they all are busy to eat.

the snacks they brought...taste okay and look cute and colorful...I stole from them to try the taste...hehe
here some marinated fruit...and they also got brought some of it...I also do the same thing-stole from them to try it..

since no one knw hw to use my camera so they can't help me to take photo..and the thing that i only can do is take selfie and environment pics...

This puff is the only one food tat I use my own money to buy...hehehe
so by nw I still hav left a few hundred of RMB...
my uncle brought me this phone case at the cute right?only rmb30..convert to RM only worth rm15..and the size as big as my face...

the night view opposite the 正佳广场...

Day 3-
Today is the last day in China and we need to take train to HONG KONG~
and take some pics before left the hotel...finally my cousin sis help me to take photo by using my phone if no I think I doesn't have any full body pic...

my bf and I are planning to Taiwan next year, and I sure will a lot of my photos...never mind at least I gain some experience from this trip such as how to check in luggage and how to travel...
Trip to  HONG KONG will coming very soon...
Thanks for reading..
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